Branch Website is Moving
As HQ now require us to use the central branch website platform, the branch website is moving. Please update any bookmarks to
Here are a few useful direct links
- Branch Open Events Home - Ledbury Hunt (pcuk.org)
- Branch Calendar Calendar - Ledbury Hunt (pcuk.org)
- Branch News News Archive - Ledbury Hunt (pcuk.org)
- Branch Information Branch Information - Ledbury Hunt (pcuk.org)
- Branch Contacts Contact Us - Ledbury Hunt (pcuk.org)
If you have any feedback or content to be published on the branch website, please email editor@ledburyponyclub.org.uk
As a member of The Pony Club, I stand for the best in sportsmanship as well as in horsemanship.
I shall compete for the enjoyment of the game well played and take winning or losing in my stride, remembering that without good manners and good temper, sport loses its cause for being. I shall endeavour to treat my horse with consideration
The Pony Club is a charity registered with the Charity Commission (registration number 1050146). Ledbury Hunt Branch of the Pony Club operates as a local branch of the Pony Club Organisation and are governed by the Pony Club Policies